
Showing posts from April 18, 2018

Organizations for women's welfare

Acid Survivors Foundation, Pakistan The Acid Survivors Foundation Pakistan provides medical, psychosocial and legal support to the victims of acid attacks in the country, to ensure their physical reconstruction and reintegration into main stream society. It was founded in 2006 with the support of UK based Acid Survivors Trust International. Aurat Foundation Aurat Foundation is a national, non-profit, non-governmental organization working for women's empowerment. The organization was created in 1986 and deals with a wide spectrum of women's welfare issues in rural and urban areas all across Pakistan. It is also known as the Aurat Publication and Information Service Foundation.  The organization also manages a USAID funded Gender Equity Program. Depilex Smile Again Foundation The aim of this foundation is to help female survivors of acid and kerosene oil burns in Pakistan. Start