Acid Attacks In Pakistan

Acid Throwing also called an acid attack a ,vitriol attack or vitriolage
Acid Attack is a process when someone intentionally brings concentrated acid in contact with someones skin. This leads to unbearable burning sensation to the victim and damages the skin or the influenced body part permanently. 
Acid attack is the worst of the crimes that take place not only in Pakistan, but in the world. 
1) Around 1500 number of acid attack cases emerge around the world every     year according to International Acid Survivors Trust. While these are             those cases which are reported, there are many which remain unreported     for many reasons.

2) 70%-80% of the victims remain females and 30% of them are under the age of 18(teenagers).

3) The topmost reason behind such a heinous crime remains to be the  refusal of love/marriage/sexual advances and refusal of dowry/land remain the other reasons.

4) It takes just 30seconds for the acid to burn the skin to a very deep level.

5) It causes very immediate disfigurement, pain and burn to the body. It has the power enough to even dissolve or melt the bones!

6) Multiple reconstructive surgeries are required to re-figure the exposed part and this too does not guarantee complete cure!

7) Acid in Pakistan comes for as cheap as 15-20 rupees per litre, making it very     easy for the perpetrator to buy!
                And many other resons.......

But Nowadays burning cases in Pakistan are on the rise. The victims of acid attacks are usually females. In Pakistan, more than 50% of the cases are of acid throwing and it has been estimated and among them more than 90% cases have been undecided because the victim of acids are mostly the poor people and in Pakistan. 

Geographical distribution
According to the data, 85 per cent of the acid attacks occurred in Punjab, mostly in southern Punjab followed by Sindh, Khyber-Pakhtunkwa, Balochsitan, Islamabad Capital Territory and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
Meanwhile, among districts with the highest rates of acid attacks are Multan, Bahawlpur, Rahim Yar Khan and Muzaffargarh, according to the report.

Why do these attacks happen? 

Most of the times, the facts are as follows: There is a young teenage girl, who is approached by a young guy/man as a romantic interest. The girl doesn't want to be pursued romantically and declines his advances. The guy takes this as an 'insult' and decides to take revenge on the girl by ruining her entire life. The thought process behind this being, 'If you won't be with me, I will punish you in such a way that you won't be accepted by anyone else." The guy (or him with his friends) ambush the girl and pour strong concentrated acid on the girl's face and body, scarring her for life, mentally and emotionally. 

  • Law Against The Criminals :

THIS is apropos the news report ‘Acid thrown on stepdaughters’ (Jan 4). Incidents of throwing acid are common in Asian countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and some African countries.
The government of Pakistan had passed the Criminal Law Amendment Act in 2011 to make any act of throwing acid a crime against the state. This crime is punishable with 14 years of jail or life imprisonment, including fine. However, it is unfortunate that the act is not being implemented because of police incompetence and corruption and lack of interest by the government. Recently, the media reported another case of acid attack, this time on a high government official, the Deputy Director of Meteorology, Karachi. In this case the police were trying to find a safe path for the offender.
The act of throwing acid should be treated as a serious crime and be tried by an anti-terrorism court, with no bail allowed to culprits. It is time the government implemented the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2011, and the judiciary awarded the guilty an exemplary punishment. It is the only way to stop the crime.
Moreover, the government should bear the expenses of the victim’s treatment. Meanwhile, developed countries should issue a visa to the victim on a priority basis to enable him to get treatment abroad. It is hoped that the government of Pakistan would seriously look into the problem.

Explaining this in a next article....😊


  1. What can be the main reason for these attacks?? How will these punishments be implemented?


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